Small Banks Demand Full-Time Office Work More Than Bigger Peers

If you’re a business seeking to improve employees’ work ethic or an employee who’s struggling with the daily digital grind, read on to learn more about the issue. Almost 70% of workers said they felt burnout from talking exclusively on Slack, Zoom, and other digital platforms. Some common complaints include fatigue, lack of work-life boundaries, and loneliness. Without face-to-face interactions, more than half of remote workers say they don’t feel connected to their coworkers. Today, more workers than ever before are experiencing the stresses of remote work fatigue.

  • 91% say that unmanageable stress or frustration impacts the quality of their work, and 83% say burnout can negatively impact personal relationships.
  • This can result in missed deadlines, decreased quality of work, and ultimately, reduced productivity.
  • Remote work burnout refers to a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that results from prolonged exposure to the stressors of remote work.

A staggering 86% of employees who work from home full-time experience this phenomenon. The absence of physical detachment from the workspace can erode the much-needed respite, leading to a palpable sense of burnout. We are social animals, and remote workers struggle to feel connected to virtual peers. Sixty-one percent of the workforce is craving human interaction with colleagues, JLL research finds. More than ever, employees struggle with their mental health, anxiety in particular.

Remote Worker Strategies to Identify Burnout

But Erickson, who has long researched how organizations treat employees during times of crisis, is reluctant to think things will go back to normal, since the circumstances now are just so unprecedented. These trends — a growing hesitation to quit and less remote work — mean that people’s perception of burnout might continue to get worse. After all, work for many has not changed, and workers now find that their ability to change it themselves is diminishing. Loneliness can cause stress, and prolonged feelings of stress are considered one of the main causes of burnout. Learn the processes you need to find, recruit, and onboard remote employees (and stay compliant while you’re at it). Learn more about building a foundation for sustainable and healthy remote employee experiences in our guide to creating remote work cultures.

  • More than two thirds, or 69%, of employees are experiencing burnout symptoms while working from home, and this influx is impacting both business productivity as well as the overall health of the workforce.
  • She said this also comes as working women are trying to balance multiple responsibilities inside and outside the workplace.
  • Estimates may vary, but recent surveys have shown that remote workers have been reporting higher rates of burnout than workers who remain on-site.
  • Stanford researchers recently found that employees are also experiencing “Zoom Fatigue,” and developed a quick tool to see if you or your team members might have it.
  • The pandemic’s silver lining, though, was the idea that it could force the fixing of some of America’s broken institutions, such as work.
  • The lack of separation between home and office is disproportionately affecting parents and caregivers, who miss the solid line of demarcation they previously established.
  • Learning from the styles of the past and influenced by these unique times, companies and employees are choosing their colors, applying brushstrokes to the canvas, and trying to paint an inspiring picture.

Explain what you’re going through, and decide on the steps you can take to ensure you don’t burn out when you go back to work. If you’re experiencing total burnout at both work and at home, it’s time for you to take action. If you find that you’re resisting the idea of time off, remember that burnout is a health issue.

How to Recognize Remote Work Burnout

The pandemic’s silver lining, though, was the idea that it could force the fixing of some of America’s broken institutions, such as work. But many bosses — some of whom are responsible for burnout in the first place — seem uninterested in improving working conditions and are falling back into old ways. The most obvious manifestation of this is requiring office workers to return to the office, something that’s applying to employees more than their bosses. The best fix for this issue is to create proper communication channels and have regular communication. This helps clear up any issues that employees might be experiencing, as well as resolve any feelings of uncertainty that they have about their work. One solution for these issues is to switch the focus of remote work to measuring deliverables instead of just tracking the number of work hours they put in.

remote work burnout

If the legislation passes, remote workers across the world will feel better physically, helping to reduce remote worker burnout from physical activity. Unfortunately, the majority of workers (70%) feel that their employers aren’t doing enough to help stop the effects of burnout. On the contrary, they feel that their employers are making their burnout symptoms worse. While this sudden shift to remote-first and remote-friendly work began before 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated its effects, leaving many workers and employers unprepared to handle remote employee burnout.


If you enjoyed playing video games in your childhood, play a game, even if you haven’t seen Mario or Sonic in decades. She reminds us that we all knew how to take time out when we were children — we simply played by doing the things we loved. Because exhaustion is a normal reaction to stress and overwork, it’s not a sign of disease. Your participation bolsters the collaborative effort to make work-life balance possible.

This isn’t only good for creating that work-office divide; getting fresh air to the lungs increases oxygen levels in your brain to boost energy and improve concentration and memory. Once you finish your show, enter the front door of your home as though you are walking into your office. While this data may be difficult to digest, there are strategies to nip remote-work burnout in the bud before it gets too bad. I have outlined three of the main causes of burnout while working from home, along with ways to remediate them so you can get back on track with growing your career. Organizations also have a responsibility to prioritize the well-being of their employees. When organizations fail to address the causes of burnout, it can lead to a culture of overwork and stress.

A mere 6 percent of remote workers say that they completely avoid their work email during their off-hours. In a regular work setting, employees don’t have to think about creating a routine themselves, as they usually have fixed work times and schedules. In some cases, remote work doesn’t require fixed working hours (in the case of flexible work schedules), which can cause stress, uncertainty, and frustration to some remote workers and, ultimately, burnout.

It is your responsibility to be aware of your behavior and speak to it with others. RemotePass has been very helpful as it streamlines the payment process to our consultants, with a simple 2 to 3 clicks the job is done. The most important thing is that It eliminates any compliance risks we might face, and the lengthy verification process. Overall the system is excellent, and I would recommend it to other organizations. In addition to working with a doctor, the strategies listed below may help you to overcome that burned out feeling and get back on track at work.